Saturday 1 January 2011


So this year I have decided that instead of making a list of new year resolutions of things that I am going to give up I would make a list of things that I would achieve! Kicking off with completing the 100 World Best Bar list. This may have to be a two year project (kidney/liver failure)....but I'm thinking at least one a week of the London Bars!! So I'm kick starting with the following 3:

The Library/ The Gardening Room: Lanesborough Hotel Hyde Park Corner, London, SW1X 7TA
Mamounia Lounge: 37a Curzon Street, Mayfair , London, W1J 7TX
Brumus: Haymarket Hotel, 1 Suffolk Place, , London, SW1

Pictures and feedback will follow!!

Also hearing mixed reviews about Shaka Zulu, Camden so well worth a visit, if its anything like Gilgamesh am sure i will love it!
